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The Research Center for Neuroscience (NRC) of Taipei Medical University

          The Research Center for Neuroscience (NRC) of Taipei Medical University (TMU) was established in August 2018. There are 11 research teams in NRC, including NeuroImage, Mental Health, Vascular Dementia, Retinopathy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Peripheral Neuropathy, Child Development, Platelet Neurotrophins for Neurorestorative Biotherapy, Sleep Medicine, Neural Rehabilitation, and Sng Pain. The research fields of these 11 teams cover a broad spectrum such as from neurodevelopment to neurodegeneration, from central to peripheral neuropathy, and from basic to clinical research. The internal function of NRC is to strengthen the communication between basic neuroscientists and clinicians within each team and among teams with different disciplines and to promote research collaboration between the teams within NRC

