

陳震宇 副院長

陳震宇 教授

  • 團隊召集人


  • 神經及頭頸部影像診斷、小兒神經放射診斷學、一般放射診斷學、磁振照影

TMU profile   Publications

張剛瑋 教授

張剛瑋 副研究員


  • 小放射性同位素(碘-123、124與氟-18)標幟、分離純化 (HPLC and gel chromatograph)y與品管分析 (radio HPLC and radio TLC),得到可供前臨床試驗使用之放射性製劑
  • 實驗動物毒理試驗 (一般毒理、皮膚毒理、遺傳毒理)與代謝物分析 (血液、生化、尿液)
  • 放射性物質於實驗動物之體外(in vitro)、體內(in vivo)與體表外(ex vivo)試驗
  • 組織冷凍、石蠟包埋與切片,俾探討藥物於活體之確切分布
  • 腦中樞神經疾病動物模式 (stroke、parkinson disease animal model)
  • 核醫分子影像醫學 (PET、SPECT image)


TMU profile   Publications

陳彥廷 副主任

陳彥廷 助理教授


  • 傳統X光片及磁振造影診斷報告製作、電腦斷層診斷報告製作、切片及引流、乳房攝影診斷報告製作、切片定位、骨質密度結果判讀、超音波診斷報告製作(頸部、乳房、腹部等)切片、引流、血管攝影檢查報告製作、急性缺血性中風之動脈取栓、AI研究

TMU profile   Publications

陳永介 住治醫師

陳永介 助理教授


  • 神經及頭頸部影像診斷、一般放射診斷學、介入性放射學、電腦斷層及磁振造影


TMU profile   Publications

鄭碩仁 主任

鄭碩仁 主任


  • 醫學影像判讀、神經介入性治療


TMU profile   Publications

謝立群 副教授

謝立群 副教授


  • 神經及頭頸部影像診斷、一般放射診斷學、磁振造影、介入性神經放射線手術、介入性放射線手術、影像導引疼痛控制手術


TMU profile   Publications

李宜恬 助理研究員

李宜恬 副研究員


  • 核磁共振神經影像、認知神經科學、人工智慧演算法



TMU profile   Publications

呂岳勛 主任

呂岳勳 主任


  • 介入性神經血管內治療術、急性缺血性中風之動脈取栓、傳統X光片及磁振造影診斷報告製作、電腦斷層診斷報告製作、切片及引流、腫瘤栓塞/熱射頻腫瘤治療、急性出血性栓塞、AI研究

TMU profile   Publications








  • 奈米分子影像實驗室
  • 7T動物影像實驗室
  • 3T臨床腦功能影像實驗室
  • 神經影像生物標記分析實驗室
  • 正子磁振造影實驗室




研究將探討腫瘤磁振造影的異質性,並研究其與基因突變的關聯性。膠質母細胞瘤細胞培養具有特定的遺傳信息,包括腫瘤形成、血管生成以及與DNA損傷和修復相關的基因。此外,將在7T MRI上建立多形性膠質母細胞瘤動物模型,並將相同的方法應用於3T磁振造影對受試者的影像研究。




目前已有許多相關研究提出缺血半影區可能保存神經元的位置。此外,其面積和大小可視為藥物治療療效的預測因子。Diffusion tensor image(DTI)和perfusion weighted imaging(PWI)通常被用於評估缺血半影區。





骨質疏鬆症是一種代謝性骨疾病,其特徵在於骨質密度(bone mineral density)低和骨折發生率高。潛在的骨質疏鬆症會導致骨折與死亡風險升高。骨質流失是骨質疏鬆症的關鍵特徵之一,通常利用測量骨質密度來診斷。雙能量 X 光吸收儀(dual energy x-ray absorptiometry)是評估骨質密度的最廣泛使用的方法,可以獲得各種骨骼部位的骨質密度數據。臨床上,骨質疏鬆症的診斷主要依據從腰椎獲得的骨質密度。另一方面,腰椎核磁共振掃描(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)無游離輻射, 通常用來診斷病人下背痛的原因。核磁共振掃描具影像高解析度與脂肪定量技術,可偵測骨微結構(bone microstructure)與骨髓(bone marrow)成分,因此有研究建議可以用核磁共振掃描做為檢測骨質疏鬆症患者的工具。紋理分析(texture analysis)可以辨別人眼無法識別的圖像異質性,且初步證明圖像紋理中具有潛在的診斷價值。這種方法是基於數學方式來評估圖像中像素的灰階強度和位置,提供了代表異質性定量度量的“紋理特徵”。


  • 1. MOST Title: An Artificial Intelligence System for Precision Lung Cancer Based on Clinical Big Data
    Project Period: 2020.07.01 ~ 2024.06.30

    2. 經濟部科研成果價值創造計畫:「胸腔深度學習:人工智慧多模影像精準健康平台計畫」
    Project Period: 2023.01.01 ~ 2023.12.31

    3. NHRI Title: Develop IL-19 antibody immunotherapy and unravel immunosuppressive mechanism in peritumoral region of glioblastoma by single cell transcriptome analysis
    Project Period: 2023.01.01 ~ 2023.12.31

    4. MOST Title: Building a national model of data hub for healthy aging
    Project Period: 2021.11.01 ~ 2023.10.31

    5. MOST Title: Machine Learning-Based Radiogenomics for Connecting Mr Imaging to Immune-Regulated Genes Expression in Glioblastoma
    Project Period: 2019.08.01 ~ 2022.07.31

    6. NHRI Title: Multi-site Radiogenomics and Radioproteomics of gliomas
    Project Period: 2019.01.01 ~ 2020.12.31

    7. MOST Title: Construction and Application of Medical Image Database in TMU Healthcare System
    Project Period: 2017.12.01 ~ 2020.11.30

    8. MOST Title: Mri Study on Trans-Neuronal Degeneration of the Thalamic Networks after Ischemic Stroke
    Project Period: 2016.08.01 ~ 2019.10.01

    9. MOST Title: Characterization of Thalamocortical Dysrhythmia in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using Simultaneous Mri and Eeg Measurements and Pre-Clinical N-Acetylcysteine Treatment Response
    Project Period: 2015.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31

    10. MOST Title: Radiogenomics of Malignant Gliomas by Linking Physiological Mr Imaging, Histopathological Patterns, and Genetic Alternations: a Translational Study from Rat to Man
    Project Period: 2015.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31

    11. MOST – International Cooperation with NIH Title: Characterization of Thalamocortical Dysrhythmia in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury using Simultaneous MRI and EEG Measurements and Preclinical N-acetylcysteine Treatment Response
    Project Period: 2015.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31

    12. MOST Title: Radiogenomics of Malignant Gliomas by linking Physiological MR Imaging, Histopathological patterns, and Genetic alternations: A Translational study from Rat to Man
    Project Period: 2015.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31

    13. MOST Title: Motion-Sensitive MR Imaging in Characterizing Brain Compliance in Cerebral Venous Hypertension: A Translational Study between Humans and Rats
    Project Period: 2015.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31

    14. MOST Title: Restoration of Thalamocortical Oscillation as a Potential Treatment for mTBI: a Small Animal MRI Research
    Project Period: 2015.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31

    15. CECR Title: Advanced MR Imaging Evaluation of Primary Brain Tumor Extent and Response to Treatment
    Project Period: 2015.04.01 ~ 2016.03.31

    16. TMU Title: MR molecular imaging biomarker for treatment response prediction of metastatic lung cancer in brain: A mice model
    Project Period: 2015.04.01 ~ 2016.03.31

    17. TMU Title: Role of cerebrovenous system in intracranial compliance
    Project Period: 2014.01.01 ~ 2015.12.31

    18. MOHW Title: Advanced MR imaging evaluation of primary brain tumor extent and response to Treatment
    Project Period: 2014.01.01 ~ 2017.12.31

    19. MOST Title: A study on trans-neuronal striato-nigral degeneration-induced movement disorders after stroke: Evaluation with grey matter suppression IR and diffusion tensor imaging
    Project Period: 2012.08.01 ~ 2015.07.31

    20. MOST Title: A study of diffusion tensor imaging as a potential surrogate marker for the management of acute ischemic cerebral stroke: A clinical and animal model at 7T
    Project Period: 2011.08.01 ~ 2014.10.31

    21. MOST Title: Pseudoresponse to Bevacizumab treatment in rat glioma: A quantitative study using magnetic nanoparticle targeting method at 7T MRI
    Project Period: 2014.11.01 ~ 2015.10.31


  • 1. Automatic segmentation and radiomic texture analysis for osteoporosis screening using chest low-dose computed tomography. Yung-Chieh Chen†, Yi-Tien Li †, Po-Chih Kuo, Sho-Jen Cheng, Yi-Hsiang Chung, Duen-Pang Kuo, Cheng-Yu Chen.
    European Radiology, 2023 Jan; e-pub. doi: 10.1007/s00330-023 09421-6. (SCI, IF = 7.034, Q1)

    2. A prospective reappraisal of motor outcome prediction in patients with acute stroke by using atlas-based diffusion tensor imaging biomarkers. Chen YC, Cheng SJ, Hsieh LC, Shyu HY, Chen MH, Chen CY, Kuo DP.
    Top Stroke Rehabil. 2023 May 20:1-12.

    3. Personalized Prediction of Postconcussive Working Memory Decline:A Feasibility Study. Yung-Chieh Chen†, Yung-Li Chen†, Duen-Pang Kuo, Yi-Tien Li*,
    Yung-Hsiao Chiang, Jyh-Jong Chang, Sung-Hui Tseng, Cheng-Yu Chen. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022 Jan;12(2): 196. doi: 10.3390/jpm12020196. (SCI, IF = 4.945, Q1)

    4. Management of Patients with Adhesive Capsulitis via Ultrasound-Guided Hydrodilatation without Concomitant Intra-Articular Lidocaine Infusion: A Single-Center Experience. Chen YC, Shen SH, Chiou HJ, Wan YL.
    Life (Basel). 2022 Aug 23;12(9):1293.

    5. Impact of physiological noise in characterizing the functional MRI default-mode network in Alzheimer’s disease. Yi-Tien Li, Chun-Yuan Chang, Yi-Cheng Hsu, Jong Ling Fuh, Wen-Jui Kuo, Jhy-Neng Yeh, Fa-Hsuan Lin.
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2021 Jan;41(1):166-181. doi: 10.1177/0271678X19897442. (SCI, IF = 6.040, Q1)

    6. Changes in sensorimotor-related thalamic diffusion properties and cerebrospinal fluid hydrodynamics predict gait responses to tap test in idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus. Ping-Huei Tsai*,Yung-Chieh Chen,Shih-Wei Chiang,Teng-Yi Huang,Ming-Chung Chou,Hua-Shan Liu,Hsiao-Wen Chung,Giia-Sheun Peng,Hsin-I Ma,Hung-Wen Kao,Cheng-Yu Chen
    Scientific Reports 2016 Nov 11;6:36650.
    European Radiology (2018) 28:4504–4513

    7. Erlotinib-Conjugated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as a Smart Cancer-Targeted Theranostic Probe for MRI. Ahmed Atef Ahmed Ali, Fei-Ting Hsu* , Chia-Ling Hsieh, Chia-Yang Shiau, Chiao-Hsi Chiang, Zung-Hang Wei, Cheng-Yu Chen* and Hsu-Shan Huang
    Scientific Reports 2016 Nov 11;6:36650.

    8. Revisiting Neuroimaging of Abusive Head Trauma in Infants and Young Children. Kevin Li-Chun Hsieh*, Robert A. Zimmerman, Hung Wen Kao and Cheng-Yu Chen*
    American Journal of Roentgenology. 2015 May 204(5):944-52.

    9. Curcumin Sensitizes Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells to Radiation via Suppression of Radiation-Induced NF-kB Activity. Hsu FT*, Liu YC, Hwang JJ.
    Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (2015.07 Accept).

    10. Advanced MR imaging of Gliomas: An Update. (Review Articles). Hung-Wen Kao, Shih-Wei Chiang, Hsiao-Wen Chung, Fong Y. Tsai, Cheng-Yu Chen*
    BioMed Research International. Volume 2013, Article ID 970586, 14 pages.

    11. Effects of Microvascular Permeability Changes on Contrast-Enhanced T1 and Pharmacokinetic MR Imagings after Ischemia. Hua-Shan Liu*, Hsiao-Wen Chung, Ming-Chung Chou, Michelle Liou, Chao-Ying Wang, Hueng-Wen Gao, Shih-Wei Chiang, Chun-Jung Juan, Guo-Shu Huang, Cheng-Yu Chen*
    STROKE. 44(7):1872-1877, Jul 2013.

    12. Predicting Stroke Evolution: Comparison of susceptibility-weighted MR imaging with MR perfusion. Kao HW, Tsai FY*, Hasso AH.
    European Radiology 2012; 22: 1397-1403.

    13. Cerebral Thromboembolism: Value of Susceptibility weighted Imaging(SWI) in the initial diagnosis of acute infarction. Mamlouk MD, Tsai FY*, Drachman D et al.
    The Neuroradiology Journal 2012;.23:86-97.

    14. Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging, an additional tool to Diagnose Brain Death: Initial Experience. F.Y. Tsai*, K-W. Lee, H-W. Kao, C-Y. Chen.
    NRJ Digital The Neuroradiology Journal 2012;2: 733-736.

    15. Practical Aspect of shortening susceptibility weighted imaging. Tsai FY*, Shih YY, Tsai APH, Chan W, Chung HW.
    The Neuroradiology Journal 2012;2:613-622.

    16. Un-Usual Acute Complication of Carotid Cavernous Fistula. Tsai FY*, Lee KW, Chen CJ, Cheng SJ.
    The Neuroradiology J.2011;24:951-964.