

徐慈妤 助理教授

徐慈妤 副教授

  • 團隊召集人


  • 實驗心理學/認知神經科學、視覺注意力與視覺短期注意力之神經機制、前額葉與執行功能在衝突與抑制功能上的角色、頻譜分析、腦波訊號分析

TMU profile   Publications

Christoph Dahl 副教授

Christoph David Dahl 副教授

  • 國籍:瑞士


  • 動物行為、電生理學/細胞外記錄、計算建模、機器學習

TMU profile   Publications

Niall Duncan 助理教授

Niall W. Duncan 副教授

  • 國籍:英國


  • 神經造影技術、自我、意識、精神疾病、腦生理基礎

TMU profile   Publications


Magioncalda, Paola

Paola Magioncalda 助理教授

  • 國籍:義大利


  • 雙極性情感障礙、精神病理學、神經發炎、腦功能和行為/現象學

TMU profile   Publications

Martino, Matteo助理教授

Matteo Martino助理教授

  • 國籍:義大利


  • 腦部功能與行為/現象學、精神疾病(躁鬱症)、意識

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明智煥 副教授

明智煥 副教授

  • 國籍:韓國


  • 心智科學腦影像研究、腎臟、生物化學及分子生物、軟物質及生物物理-模擬、生理、神經內分泌學、醫學之生化及分子生物、失智症、生物精神醫學、分子生物學、計算生物學、軟物質及生物物理-實驗

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曾祥非 副教授

曾祥非 教授(台灣大學心理學系)


  • 鑑識神經科學、腦波測謊、知覺與錯覺、注意力與記憶、非侵入性腦電刺激與感官刺激

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吳昌衛 教授

吳昌衛 教授


  • 正念神經科學
  • 睡眠神經影像:睡眠中與清醒後的大腦功能、自發性認知功能與睡眠障礙。
  • 神經影像融合技術:研究動態神經血管耦合現象之最佳化技術,並應用於如意識與睡眠之自發性大腦活動

TMU profile   Publications




  • 1.Magioncalda, P., Martino, M. (2022). A unified model of the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(1), 202-211
  • 2.Hasan, F., Tu, Y.-K., Yang, C.-M. and 7 more (…) (2022). Comparative efficacy of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 61
  • 3.Martino, M., Magioncalda, P. (2022). Tracing the psychopathology of bipolar disorder to the functional architecture of intrinsic brain activity and its neurotransmitter modulation: a three-dimensional model. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(2), 793-802
  • 4.Zhao, M.Y., Fan, A.P., Chen, D.Y.-T. and 5 more (…) (2022). Using arterial spin labeling to measure cerebrovascular reactivity in Moyamoya disease: Insights from simultaneous PET/MRI. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 42(8), 1493-1506
  • 5.Tsai, C.-Y., Liu, W.-T., Lin, Y.-T. and 13 more (…) (2022). Machine learning approaches for screening the risk of obstructive sleep apnea in the Taiwan population based on body profile. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 47(4), 373-388
  • 6.Zhao, M.Y., Woodward, A., Fan, A.P. and 5 more (…) (2022). Reproducibility of cerebrovascular reactivity measurements: A systematic review of neuroimaging techniques*. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 42(5), 700-717
  • 7.Lai, W.-D., Tung, T.-H., Teng, C.-Y. and 5 more (…) (2022). Fish oil ameliorates neuropsychiatric behaviors and gut dysbiosis by elevating selected microbiota-derived metabolites and tissue tight junctions in rats under chronic sleep deprivation. Food & Function, 13(5), 2662-2680
  • 8.Tsai, C.-Y., Hsu, W.-H., Lin, Y.-T. and 13 more (…) (2022). Associations among sleep-disordered breathing, arousal response, and risk of mild cognitive impairment in a northern Taiwan population. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 18(4), 1003-1012
  • 9.Taylor, D., Clay, Z., Dahl, C.D. and 3 more (…) (2022). Vocal functional flexibility: what it is and why it matters. Animal Behaviour, 186, 93-100
  • 10.Moon, H.-J., Gauthier, B., Park, H.-D. and 2 more (…) (2022). Sense of self impacts spatial navigation and hexadirectional coding in human entorhinal cortex. Communications Biology, 5(1)
  • 11.Chan, P.-Y.S., Cheng, C.-H., Wu, Y.-T. and 5 more (…) (2022). Neural substrates of respiratory sensory gating: A human fMRI study. Biological Psychology, 169
  • 12.Wu, H., Qi, Z., Wu, X. and 10 more (…) (2022). Anterior precuneus related to the recovery of consciousness. NeuroImage: Clinical, 33
  • 13.Cheng, Y., Chen, Y.-C., Fan, Y.-T. and 1 more (…) (2022). Neuromodulation of the right temporoparietal junction alters amygdala functional connectivity to authority pressure. Human Brain Mapping, 43(18), 5605-5615
  • 14.Lee, Y.-T., Tsai, C.-F., Yen, Y.-C. and 5 more (…) (2022). Periodontitis is a potential risk factor for transient ischemic attack and minor ischemic stroke in young adults: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Journal of Periodontology, 93(12), 1848-1856
  • 15.Shih, H.-C., Kuo, M.-E., Wu, C.W. and 3 more (…) (2022). The Neurobiological Basis of Love: A Meta-Analysis of Human Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Maternal and Passionate Love. Brain Sciences, 12(7)
  • 16.Yang, C.-M., Lai, Y.-S., Huang, Y.-H. and 2 more (…) (2022). Predicting Hypnotic Use among Insomnia Patients with the Theory of Planned Behavior and Craving. Behavioral Sciences, 12(7)
  • 17.Tsai, C.-Y., Liu, Y.-S., Majumdar, A. and 18 more (…) (2022). Association between cyclic variation in the heart rate index and biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: A pilot study. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 98, 37-44
  • 18.Chen, J.-T., Kuo, Y.-C., Hsu, T.-Y. and 1 more (…) (2022). Fatigue and Arousal Modulations Revealed by Saccade and Pupil Dynamics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15)
  • 19.Escelsior, A., Sterlini, B., Tardito, S. and 12 more (…) (2022). Evidence of alterations of Beta-endorphin levels and Mu-opioid receptor gene expression in bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Research, 316
  • 20.Tsai, C.-Y., Kuan, Y.-C., Hsu, W.-H. and 15 more (…) (2022). Differentiation model for insomnia disorder and the respiratory arousal threshold phenotype in obstructive sleep apnea in the taiwanese population based on oximetry and anthropometric features. Diagnostics, 12(1)
  • 21.Orepic, P., Park, H.-D., Rognini, G. and 2 more (…) (2022). Breathing affects self-other voice discrimination in a bodily state associated with somatic passivity. Psychophysiology, 59(7)
  • 22.Chen, P.-H., Ku, H.-L., Wang, J.-K. and 2 more (…) (2022). Electroencephalographic Microstates are Correlated with Global Functioning in Schizophrenia But Not in Bipolar Disorder. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience
  • 23.Martínez, R.M., Liao, T.-T., Fan, Y.-T. and 2 more (…) (2022). Interaction effects of the 5-HTT and MAOA-uVNTR gene variants on pre-attentive EEG activity in response to threatening voices. Communications Biology, 5(1)
  • 24.Lacombe, P., Brocard, S., Zuberbuhler, K. and 1 more (…) (2022). Rationality and cognitive bias in captive gorillas’ and orang-utans’ economic decisionmaking. PLoS ONE, 17(12)
  • 25.McManus, E., Haroon, H., Duncan, N.W. and 2 more (…) (2022). The effects of stress across the lifespan on the brain, cognition and mental health: A UK biobank study. Neurobiology of Stress, 18
  • 26.Chan, P.-Y.S., Chang, W.-P., Cheng, C.-H. and 4 more (…) (2022). The impact of emotional context on neural substrates of respiratory sensory gating. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16
  • 27.Hsu, A.-L., Li, C.-W., Qing, P.-M. and 2 more (…) (2022). Localizing Spectral Interactions in the Resting State Network Using the Hilbert–Huang Transform. Brain Sciences, 12(2)
  • 28.Tsai, C.-Y., Wu, S.-M., Kuan, Y.-C. and 13 more (…) (2022). Associations between risk of Alzheimer’s disease and obstructive sleep apnea, intermittent hypoxia, and arousal responses: A pilot study. Frontiers in Neurology, 13
  • 29.Tsai, C.-Y., Huang, H.-T., Cheng, H.-C. and 14 more (…) (2022). Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk by Using Machine Learning Approaches and Anthropometric Features. Sensors, 22(22)
  • 30.Hsu, T.-Y., Wang, H.-Y., Chen, J.-T. and 1 more (…) (2022). Investigating the role of human frontal eye field in the pupil light reflex modulation by saccade planning and working memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16
  • 31.Kung, Y.-C., Li, C.-W., Hsiao, F.-C. and 7 more (…) (2022). Cross-Scale Dynamicity of Entropy and Connectivity in the Sleeping Brain. Brain Connectivity, 12(9), 835-845
  • 32.Chen, C., Martínez, R.M., Chen, Y.-C. and 2 more (…) (2022). The anti-anxiety drug lorazepam changes implicit behaviors but not explicit evaluations of sense of agency under authoritative pressure: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13
  • 33.Park, H.-D., Piton, T., Kannape, O.A. and 4 more (…) (2022). Breathing is coupled with voluntary initiation of mental imagery. NeuroImage, 264
  • 34.Chen, C., Martínez, R.M., Chen, Y.-C. and 2 more (…) (2022). The neural mediators of moral attitudes and behaviors. Behavioural Brain Research, 430
  • 35.Perogamvros, L., Park, H.-D., Schwartz, S. (2022). Commentary on the paper “The heartbeat evoked potential is a questionable biomarker in nightmare disorder: A replication study. By Bogdany, T., Perakakis, P., Bodizs, R., Simor, P., 2021. Neuroimage Clin 33, 102933”. NeuroImage: Clinical, 36
  • 36.Ferrando, E., Dahl, C.D. (2022). An investigation on the olfactory capabilities of domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Animal Cognition, 25(6), 1567-1577
  • 37.Chuang, Y.-C., Lin, C.-Y., Wang, J.-K. (2022). Avoiding pitfalls in the treatment of delirium. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56(7)
  • 38.Chen, C., Chen, Y.-H., Cheng, Y. (2022). Meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging and dispositional variables for clinical empathy. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 142
  • 39.Thanh Nhu, N., Chen, D.Y.-T., Kang, J.-H. (2022). Identification of Resting-State Network Functional Connectivity and Brain Structural Signatures in Fibromyalgia Using a Machine Learning Approach. Biomedicines, 10(12)
  • Lin, I.-C., Chen, F.-H., Lee, H.-C. and 1 more (…) (2022). No half-time for COVID-19. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 121(1), 444-445
  • 40.Tsai, C.-Y., Majumdar, A., Wang, Y. and 13 more (…) (2022). Machine learning model for aberrant driving behaviour prediction using heart rate variability: a pilot study involving highway bus drivers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics