

李信謙 副教授

李信謙 副教授

  • 團隊召集人


  • 精神醫學、睡眠醫學、社會醫學

TMU profile   Publications

張宏名 教授

張宏名 教授


  • 睡眠醫學、實驗神經科學、分子影像分析、物理治療


TMU profile   Publications

邱曉彥 教授

邱曉彥 教授


  • 重症護理、神經外科護理、睡眠障礙處置、神經回饋之症狀處理、統合分析


TMU profile   Publications

周百謙 助理教授

周百謙 助理教授


  • 氣喘、肺氣腫、過敏、肺癌、AI in medicine


TMU profile   Publications

鍾明惠 教授

鍾明惠 教授


  • 精神科護理、睡眠、心理衛生與心理病理學、護理


TMU profile   Publications

黃玲玲 副教授

黃玲玲 副教授


  • 細胞電生理、心血管功能之中樞神經控制


TMU profile   Publications

康峻宏 教授

康峻宏 教授


  • 疼痛醫學、電生理、神經科學、非線性分析方法


TMU profile   Publications

林恆慶 教授

林恆慶 教授


  • 衛生政策、管理式醫療


TMU profile   Publications

劉文德 副教授

劉文德 副教授


  • 胸腔醫學、重症醫學、睡眠呼吸障礙


TMU profile   Publications

陳兆煒 助理教授

陳兆煒 助理教授


  • 神經興奮度檢查、神經肌肉疾病、失智症、創新醫療器材、復健機器人


TMU profile   Publications

吳昌衛 教授

吳昌衛 教授


  • 正念神經科學
  • 睡眠神經影像:睡眠中與清醒後的大腦功能、自發性認知功能與睡眠障礙
  • 神經影像融合技術:研究動態神經血管耦合現象之最佳化技術,並應用於如意識與睡眠之自發性大腦活動

TMU profile   Publications

鄔定宇 副教授

鄔定宇 副教授


  • 睡眠障礙
  • 腦中風、失智症
  • 運動障礙、巴金森氏症
  • 不寧腿症候群
  • 各種慢性疼痛及肢體酸麻

TMU profile   Publications

楊志豪 副教授

楊志豪 副教授


  • 幹細胞/再生生物醫學、神經科學、藥理與毒理


TMU profile   Publications







  • 1. Hasan, F., Tu, Y.-K., Yang, C.-M. and 7 more (…) (2022).Comparative efficacy of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews,61
  • 2. He, Y., Liu, W., Lin, S. and 5 more (…) (2022).Association of traffic air pollution with severity of obstructive sleep apnea in urban areas of Northern Taiwan: A cross-sectional study. Science of the Total Environment,827
  • 3. Lo, C.-C., Liu, W.-T., Lu, Y.-H. and 13 more (…) (2022).Air pollution associated with cognitive decline by the mediating effects of sleep cycle disruption and changes in brain structure in adults. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,29(35) 52355-52366
  • 4. Tsai, C.-Y., Liu, W.-T., Lin, Y.-T. and 13 more (…) (2022).Machine learning approaches for screening the risk of obstructive sleep apnea in the Taiwan population based on body profile. Informatics for Health and Social Care,47(4) 373-388
  • 5. Lai, W.-D., Tung, T.-H., Teng, C.-Y. and 5 more (…) (2022).Fish oil ameliorates neuropsychiatric behaviors and gut dysbiosis by elevating selected microbiota-derived metabolites and tissue tight junctions in rats under chronic sleep deprivation. Food & function,13(5) 2662-2680
  • 6. Tsai, C.-Y., Hsu, W.-H., Lin, Y.-T. and 13 more (…) (2022).Associations among sleep-disordered breathing, arousal response, and risk of mild cognitive impairment in a northern Taiwan population. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine,18(4) 1003-1012
  • 7. Kuan, Y.C., Hong, C.T., Chen, P.C. and 2 more (…) (2022).Logistic regression and artificial neural network-based simple predicting models for obstructive sleep apnea by age, sex, and body mass index. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,19(11) 11409-11421
  • 8. Liu, W.-T., Wang, Y.-H., Chang, L.-T. and 10 more (…) (2022).The impacts of ambient relative humidity and temperature on supine position-related obstructive sleep apnea in adults. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,29(33) 50755-50764
  • 9. Yang, C.-M., Lai, Y.-S., Huang, Y.-H. and 2 more (…) (2022).Predicting Hypnotic Use among Insomnia Patients with the Theory of Planned Behavior and Craving. Behavioral Sciences,12(7)
  • 10. Tsai, C.-Y., Liu, Y.-S., Majumdar, A. and 18 more (…) (2022).Association between cyclic variation in the heart rate index and biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: A pilot study. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience,9837-44
  • 11. Shih, C.-Y., Gordon, C.J., Chen, T.-J. and 4 more (…) (2022).Comparative efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions on sleep quality in people who are critically ill: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies,130
  • 12. Tsai, C.-Y., Kuan, Y.-C., Hsu, W.-H. and 15 more (…) (2022).Differentiation model for insomnia disorder and the respiratory arousal threshold phenotype in obstructive sleep apnea in the taiwanese population based on oximetry and anthropometric features. Diagnostics,12(1)
  • 13. Qiu, H., Liu, W.-T., Lin, S.-Y. and 6 more (…) (2022).Association of air pollution exposure with low arousal threshold obstructive sleep apnea: A cross-sectional study in Taipei, Taiwan. Environmental Pollution,306
  • 14. Susanti, H.D., Sonko, I., Chang, P.-C. and 2 more (…) (2022).Effects of yoga on menopausal symptoms and sleep quality across menopause statuses: A randomized controlled trial. Nursing and Health Sciences,24(2) 368-379
  • 15. Hasan, F., Tu, Y.-K., Lin, C.-M. and 5 more (…) (2022).Comparative efficacy of exercise regimens on sleep quality in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews,65
  • 16. Li, C.-H., Chung, M.-H., Liao, C.-H. and 3 more (…) (2022).Urinary Incontinence and Sleep Quality in Older Women with Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(23)
  • 17. Pujasari, H., Chung, M.-H. (2022).Sleep Disturbance in the Context of HIV: A Concept Analysis. SAGE Open Nursing,8
  • 18. Lin, Y.-C., Chen, C.-T., Chao, P.-Z. and 5 more (…) (2022).Prevention of Incident Hypertension in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treated With Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: A Cohort Study. Frontiers in Surgery,9
  • 19. Shih, C.-Y., Wang, A.-Y., Chang, K.-M. and 6 more (…) (2022).Dynamic prevalence of sleep disturbance among critically ill patients in intensive care units and after hospitalisation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
  • 20. Tung, N.T., Lin, S.-Y., Liu, W.-T. and 6 more (…) (2022).Higher Particulate Matter Deposition in Alveolar Region Could Accelerate Body Fat Accumulation in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. ACS Environmental Au
  • 21. Tung, N.T., Lin, S.-Y., Dung, H.B. and 7 more (…) (2022).Associations of overnight changes in body composition with positional obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Breathing
  • 22. Tsai, C.-Y., Wu, S.-M., Kuan, Y.-C. and 13 more (…) (2022).Associations between risk of Alzheimer’s disease and obstructive sleep apnea, intermittent hypoxia, and arousal responses: A pilot study. Frontiers in Neurology,13
  • 23. Tsai, C.-Y., Huang, H.-T., Cheng, H.-C. and 14 more (…) (2022).Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Risk by Using Machine Learning Approaches and Anthropometric Features. Sensors,22(22)
  • 24. Lai, M.-H., Tzeng, C.-Y., Chuang, Y.-H. and 2 more (…) (2022).Coping with the Experience of Bad Sleep and Fatigue Associated with the Nursing Clinical Practicum. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(12)
  • 25. Kung, Y.-C., Li, C.-W., Hsiao, F.-C. and 7 more (…) (2022).Cross-Scale Dynamicity of Entropy and Connectivity in the Sleeping Brain. Brain connectivity,12(9) 835-845
  • 26. Amelia, V.L., Jen, H.-J., Lee, T.-Y. and 2 more (…) (2022).Comparison of the Associations between Self-Reported Sleep Quality and Sleep Duration Concerning the Risk of Depression: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(21)