

蒋永孝 教授

蔣永孝 教授

  • 團隊召集人


  • cerebrovascular disease, Stem cell transplantation, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury, brain tumor


TMU profile   Publications


張文昌 院士

張文昌 院士


  • 前列腺素、抗發炎、細胞訊息傳遞、分子藥理

TMU profile   Publications

陳震宇 教授

陳震宇 教授


  • 神經解剖學、神經影像學、神經系統疾病影像生物標記、功能磁振照影、進階神經磁振照影

TMU profile   Publications

陳凱筠 教授

陳凱筠 教授


  • 神經退化性疾病、腦外傷轉譯醫學、神經再生醫學、幹細胞醫學


TMU profile   Publications

周思怡 教授

周思怡 教授


  • 神經退化疾病、神經細胞生物學、細胞生物學、生理學


TMU profile   Publications

莊德茂 院士

莊德茂 院士


  • 腦神經科學



莊健盈 教授

莊健盈 教授


  • 神經保護、腦瘤幹細胞、藥物成癮


TMU profile   Publications

Barry Hoffer 講座教授

Barry Hoffer 講座教授

  • 國籍:美國


  • Signal Transduction、Physiology、Tumor Biology、Molecular and Cellular Biology

廖國興 助理教授

廖國興 助理教授


  • 腦外傷手術及處置、脊椎腫瘤、神經重症加護照護、腦血管手術、腦中風、水腦、周邊神經手術


TMU profile   Publications

林立峯 副教授

林立峯 副教授


  • 中風復健科學技術(可穿戴設備、機器人輔助步態訓練、重複經顱磁刺激)
  • 輕度創傷性腦損傷、中風和癡呆的平衡功能和步態分析
  • 物理治療、身心障礙科技輔具、高齡運動處方、長期照護


TMU profile   Publications

馬漢平 副教授

馬漢平 副教授


  • 傷害防治、急重症、老人醫學、空中轉診、災難醫學


TMU profile   Publications

王家儀 教授

王家儀 教授


  • 腦損傷與神經退化、保護與再生、氧化與抗氧化醫學、神經與膠細胞訊息傳遞學、神經免疫


TMU profile   Publications

吳忠哲 副教授

吳忠哲 副教授


  • 頸背痛、腰椎坐骨神經痛、退化性神經疾病、腦瘤、腦血管疾病、神經重症照護


TMU profile   Publications







  • 1. Lecca, D., Jung, Y.J., Scerba, M.T. and 16 more (…) (2022). Role of chronic neuroinflammation in neuroplasticity and cognitive function: A hypothesis. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 18(11), 2327-2340.
  • 2. Tsai, Y.-T., Lo, W.-L., Chen, P.-Y. and 9 more (…) (2022). Reprogramming of arachidonate metabolism confers temozolomide resistance to glioblastoma through enhancing mitochondrial activity in fatty acid oxidation. Journal of Biomedical Science, 29(1).
  • 3. Feng, Y.-H., Lim, S.-W., Lin, H.-Y. and 5 more (…) (2022). Allopregnanolone suppresses glioblastoma survival through decreasing DPYSL3 and S100A11 expression. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 219.
  • 4. Mehndiratta, S., Qian, B., Chuang, J.-Y. and 2 more (…) (2022). N-Methylpropargylamine-Conjugated Hydroxamic Acids as Dual Inhibitors of Monoamine Oxidase A and Histone Deacetylase for Glioma Treatment. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 65(3), 2208-2224.
  • 5. Wu, A.-C., Yang, W.-B., Chang, K.-Y. and 11 more (…) (2022). HDAC6 involves in regulating the lncRNA-microRNA-mRNA network to promote the proliferation of glioblastoma cells. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, 41(1).
  • 6. Chiang, I.-T., Liu, Y.-C., Liu, H.-S. and 4 more (…) (2022). Regorafenib Reverses Temozolomide-Induced CXCL12/CXCR4 Signaling and Triggers Apoptosis Mechanism in Glioblastoma. Neurotherapeutics, 19(2), 616-634.
  • 7. Lin, Y.-N., Huang, S.-W., Kuan, Y.-C. and 3 more (…) (2022). Hybrid robot-assisted gait training for motor function in subacute stroke: a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 19(1).
  • 8. Ho, K.-T., Chen, P.-F., Chuang, J.-Y. and 2 more (…) (2022). A heat shock protein 90 inhibitor reduces oncoprotein expression and induces cell death in heterogeneous glioblastoma cells with EGFR, PDGFRA, CDK4, and NF1 aberrations. Life Sciences, 288.
  • 9. Chan, R.W.-Y., Chiang, Y.-H., Chen, Y.-Y. and 3 more (…) (2022). Predicting early loss of lateral spread response before decompression in hemifacial spasm surgery. Life, 12(1).
  • 10. Tsai, Y.-R., Kim, D.S., Hsueh, S.-C. and 16 more (…) (2022). 3,6′‐ and 1,6′‐Dithiopomalidomide Mitigate Ischemic Stroke in Rats and Blunt Inflammation. Pharmaceutics, 14(5).
  • 11. Kao, T.-J., Wang, C.-Y., Hsu, T.-I. and 4 more (…) (2022). TDP-43 is essential for Eph receptor-class-specific spinal motor axon trajectory into the limb. Neuroscience Research, 176, 31-39.
  • 12. Hong, C.-T., Chan, L., Chen, K.-Y. and 5 more (…) (2022). Rifaximin Modifies Gut Microbiota and Attenuates Inflammation in Parkinson’s Disease: Preclinical and Clinical Studies. Cells, 11(21).
  • 13. Lin, H.-Y., Lim, S.-W., Hsu, T.-I. and 5 more (…) (2022). CCAAT/Enhancer-Binding Protein Delta Regulates Glioblastoma Survival through Catalase-Mediated Hydrogen Peroxide Clearance. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2022.
  • 14. Yeh, S.H.-H., Tsai, C.-J., Yu, T.-H. and 4 more (…) (2022). 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT Revealed That Striatal Dopamine Transport Availability Significantly Decreases in Late Mid-Aged Healthy Taiwanese and Then Remains Stable. Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 47(3), 201-208.
  • 15. Chen, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-L., Kuo, D.-P. and 5 more (…) (2022). Personalized Prediction of Postconcussive Working Memory Decline: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12(2).
  • 16. Tsou, Y.-S., Wang, C.-Y., Chang, M.-Y. and 6 more (…) (2022). Vav2 is required for Netrin-1 receptor-class-specific spinal motor axon guidance. Developmental Dynamics, 251(3), 444-458.
  • 17. Chien, C.-H., Yang, W.-B., Chuang, J.-Y. and 14 more (…) (2022). SH3GLB1-related autophagy mediates mitochondrial metabolism to acquire resistance against temozolomide in glioblastoma. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, 41(1).
  • 18. Kuan, Y.-C., Lin, L.-F., Wang, C.-Y. and 3 more (…) (2022). Association Between Turning Mobility and Cognitive Function in Chronic Poststroke. Frontiers in Neurology, 13.