

胡朝榮 教授

胡朝榮 教授

  • 團隊召集人


  • 神經醫學、失智症、睡眠

TMU profile   Publications

陳龍 副教授

陳龍 副教授


  • Cerebrovascular disease、健康行為科學、超音波訊號及影像系統、腦血流動力學


TMU profile   Publications

周桂如 教授

周桂如 教授


  • 精神衛生護理、長期照護、老人護理、量表發展、認知治療、統合分析、心理諮商、護理


TMU profile   Publications

謝宜蓁 副教授

謝宜蓁 教授


  • 中風及癌症分子流行病學
  • 中風及癌症基因流行病學

TMU profile   Publications

胡漢華 教授

胡漢華 教授


  • 腦中風, 腦血管自主調控


TMU profile   Publications

黃立楷 醫師

黃立楷 醫師


  • 失智症、腦中風、動作障礙、步態障礙、週邊神經疾病


TMU profile   Publications

楊志豪 助理教授

楊志豪 副教授


  • 幹細胞/再生物醫學、神經科學、藥理與毒理


TMU profile   Publications







  • 1. Bamodu OA, Chan L, Wu C-H, Yu S-F and Chung C-C. Beyond diagnosis: Leveraging routine blood and urine biomarkers to predict severity and functional outcome in acute ischemic stroke. Heliyon 2024.
  • 2. Banda KJ, Wu K-C, Jen H-J, Chu H, Pien L-C, Chen R, et al. Comparative effectiveness of combined and single Neurostimulation and traditional dysphagia therapies for post-stroke dysphagia: a network Meta-analysis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2023;37(4):194-204.
  • 3. Chen C-H, Lee C-W, Hsieh Y-C, Lin C-J, Chen Y-W, Lin K-H, et al. Comparing Low-or Standard-Dose Alteplase in Endovascular Thrombectomy: Insights From a Nationwide Registry. Stroke 2024.
  • 4. Chen J-H, Lin S-C, Hong C-T and Chan L. Outcomes of Endovascular Treatment versus Standard Medical Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke with Basilar Artery Occlusion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023;12(20):6444.
  • 5. Do PT, Chuang D-M, Wu C-C, Huang C-Z, Chen Y-H, Kang S-J, et al. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing FGF21 Preserve Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity in Experimental Ischemic Stroke. Translational Stroke Research 2023:1-11.
  • 6. Fang Y-C, Hsieh Y-C, Hu C-J and Tu Y-K. Endothelial dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. International journal of molecular sciences 2023;24(3):2909.
  • 7. Huang W-C, Shu L-H, Kuo Y-J, Lai KS-L, Hsia C-W, Yen T-L, et al. Eugenol Suppresses Platelet Activation and Mitigates Pulmonary Thromboembolism in Humans and Murine Models. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024;25(4):2098.
  • 8. Huang Y-N, Greig NH, Huang P-S, Chiang Y-H, Hoffer A, Yang C-H, et al. Pomalidomide Improves Motor Behavioral Deficits and Protects Cerebral Cortex and Striatum Against Neurodegeneration Through a Reduction of Oxidative/Nitrosative Damages and Neuroinflammation After Traumatic Brain Injury. Cell Transplantation 2024;33:09636897241237049.
  • 9. Lu K-J, Yang C-H, Sheu J-R, Chung C-L, Jayakumar T, Chen C-M, et al. Overexpressing glyoxalase 1 attenuates acute hyperglycemia–exacerbated neurological deficits of ischemic stroke in mice. Translational Research 2023;261:57-68.
  • 10. Pham TT, Duong TV, Nguyen LT, Vu M-T, Pham KM, Nguyen MH, et al. Association between Hypertension and Stroke Recurrence as Modified by Pro-oxidant–Antioxidant Balance: A Multi-Center Study. Nutrients 2023;15(10):2305.
  • 11. Pien L-C, Cheng W-J, Chang W-P, Chen S-R, Chou K-R and Wang C-H. Relationships between stroke prevalence, health literacy, and oral health-related quality of life in middle-aged and older adults: a national survey study. BMC geriatrics 2023;23(1):233.
  • 12. Sun J-M, Yen T-L, Jan J-S, Mwale PF, Teng R-D, Taliyan R, et al. Advances in Antibody-Based Therapeutics for Cerebral Ischemia. Pharmaceutics 2022;15(1):145.
  • 13. Sung L-C, Chang C-C, Yeh C-C, Lee C-Y, Hu C-J, Cherng Y-G, et al. The effects of regular dental scaling on the complications and mortality after stroke: a retrospective cohort study based on a real-world database. BMC Oral Health 2023;23(1):487.
  • 14. Yang C-C, Bamodu OA, Chan L, Chen J-H, Hong C-T, Huang Y-T, et al. Risk factor identification and prediction models for prolonged length of stay in hospital after acute ischemic stroke using artificial neural networks. Frontiers in Neurology 2023;14:1085178.